Motorcycle Meet Up Raises Funds For Derbyshire 2025 Festival

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Our members have lots of different hobbies and interests and they often use these to meet up socially and raise funds for charities and appeals. A great example of this comes from members of Derbyshire Motorcycle Lodge 9950 who have just returned from a five night motorcycle adventure.

The team explored some of the best countryside this country has to offer, whilst raising money for Derbyshire Festival 2025 appeal through a competition. The competition asked people to ‘guess the total mileage of the trip’. They covered an amazing 773 miles over five days!

There were two people that guessed the closest (only 3 miles out) Helen Parsons guessed 770, and Dave Haigh guessed 776. They decided to split the prize, a case of Festival Beer (courtesy of Derwent Lodge 884) between them.

The trip raised a fantastic £550.00 Thank you to all for your contributions. Besides the exquisite countryside, we’re told the highlight of the trip was a visit to the Rosslyn Chapel.

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