Freemasons Get Busy At The Newhall Centre!

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Newhall Centre in Swadlincote is a one-stop place which offers day services to meet the needs of adults aged 18 and over with learning disabilities in the local community of Swadlincote, Derbyshire. It is operated by Derbyshire County Council and as is often the case with budgets under pressure, the centre manager Linda Joyce has some things she would like to get done but has no money to do it. The Peace Wood area at the centre had a number of timber buildings and seats which were in need of re-painting.

Linda rang around the local gardener’s, painters and decorators – nobody wanted to do the job but the local Freemasons from Tutbury Lodge were only too pleased to step forward. By volunteering to help, the members of the Lodge have enabled funds to be spent on other projects.

So enjoyable was the morning, that the Lodge is now looking for similar projects around the Swadlincote area which could benefit the community.

Please contact George Frost by e-mail or log onto the Provincial website and click the contact us button and we will be in touch.

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