Mallender Lodge of Freemasons have made what will be one of their last donations to Local “Good Causes” when Glossop RVS (Royal Voluntary Service) Lunch Club was presented with a cheque for £400 by Worshipful Master – Mervyn Davies. The RVS Lunch Club meets every two weeks at The 1st Dinting’s Scout Hall providing nourishing meals to “Senior Citizens”. It has been providing this service for 14 years. At Christmas, Easter and on special occasions, the volunteers provide that “little bit extra” with gifts, games and festive fayre.
There are 35 pensioners with approximately 18 volunteers who help out and even use their own cars to collect those with no means of transport. In Bakewell and Eyam the Community Transport Bus has wheel-chair facilities which some are in need of. Once arrived at the Scout Hall members spend a couple of hours enjoying each other’s’ company and, of course, the food before being returned home. The RVS was for many years The WRVS (Women’s Royal Voluntary Service) but the word Women’s was dropped in an effort to attract men into the organisation. If anyone is interested in joining the Lunch Club in either capacity please contact Lynne Deacon on Glossop 853907 or Pat Farr on Glossop 864439.
Later this year it is planned both Mallender and Devonshire Lodges of Glossop will amalgamate and be renamed as “Glossopdale Lodge No.625”. So don’t worry charity fund raisers in and around the town your Freemasons will still be working hard raising money for your deserving causes!
Earlier this year, a vote was taken regarding the proposed name for the two amalgamating Lodges based at Henry Street Masonic Hall. Glossopdale Lodge was considered the most appropriate title, as it was thought the name represented the locality in which they meet, recruit members and raise charitable funds.
It is expected The Grand Master – The Duke of Kent, will confirm the amalgamation which is expected to be completed by the 13th December. The first meeting of the new Glossopdale Lodge will take place the following evening with celebrations to include a bumper Christmas Party attended by members, families and friends.
2017 is being celebrated by Freemasons as it represents 300 years of Freemasonry in England. Something many won’t be aware of is that Freemasons across the U.K donate around £33 million to various charities each year, with over half going to local good causes. T
In line with the theme of transparency in Freemasonry, the doors of the Masonic Hall in Henry street will once again be opened to people in Glossopdale enabling you to see firsthand what we do and inspect our artefacts and regalia. The date is yet to be confirmed but readers of the local Chronicle will be first to know.