Burton-On-Trent Freemasons’ Hall

Burton-On-Trent Freemasons’ Hall


Freemasons are judged on the content of their character, not any disability that they may have. We welcome everyone and we will always be ready to lend a helping hand when required.

Many of our meeting places were built before disabilities were fully considered; many have protected status making major adaptations difficult. But Freemasons in themselves will adapt and assist Brethren, and visitors, to fully participate and enjoy the facilities.

Parking: Private parking on site including disabled spaces.
Approach: Level entrance.
Entrance: Wide door.
Inside: No internal ramps. Rest chair available. Hearing loop in the temple.
Stairs/Lifts: All main rooms on ground floor. Stair lift to first floor. Stairs have hand-rail one side.
Toilets: Accessible toilet available.
Emergency: Some emergency exits have thresholds and steps.

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