Littleover Lodge

No: 9565

Who are we?

The Littleover Lodge motto, Brethren of the World United, sets the stage on which our members practice and enjoy their Freemasonry. Being founded in 1995, its principle aim is to help promote better and closer understanding between members of different ethnicities and cultures and has members coming from diverse backgrounds and beliefs.

What we do

Freemasonry helps members by self-reflection, to become better people. We have members of all ages and backgrounds to help mentor your learning and development. Over the years, the Lodge has contributed to many charities covering mental, physical and social wellbeing.

We are planning a visit to a lodge in Rome on May 24th 2024.

Why join us?

The three Grand Principles of Freemasonry; Brotherly Love, reminds us that we are of one family; Relief, that we should be charitable towards those in need and Truth or integrity, that we should be good men. Join our masonic community and these values will help enrich your life and wellbeing.
Littleover Lodge Banner

When we meet

1st Thu in May, Jul, Sep, Nov, Jan & Mar

Lodge Info



Number Of Meetings:

6 per year

Membership Fee:


Dining Fee:


Contact Us

Social MEdia




Where We Meet

Derby Freemasons’ Hall

457 Burton Rd, Littleover, Derby DE23 6XX