Members of St John’s Lodge formed Bradelei Lodge in 1986 with a specific focus on assisting members’ progression through to the Masters Chair; with a particular emphasis on fitting Freemasonry around family and work commitments. To this day, Bradelei maintains these core values of more experienced Freemasons closely supporting newer members.
What we do
Members of the Bradelei Lodge meet only four times a year, encompassing an awareness of family and work pressures, with Past Masters assisting by
taking on sections of ritual. We also arrange regular visits to meetings at other Lodges, so new members will always find plenty to get involved in.
Why join us?
Bradelei Lodge is a vibrant, forward-thinking and successful Lodge with a mix of young and older members from all walks of life bringing a variety of skills, experience, humour and regional accents to our ceremonies. Meeting just 4 times a year we embrace a healthy, warm, welcoming friendly social side.