Burlington Lodge

No: 6736

Who are we?

Post War, it was evident that membership of the Derby Lodges was too large with 100 no. Brethren per Lodge. To alleviate this, Burlington Lodge was consecrated in 1949 and it was named after the Duke of Devonshire’s third title, Earl of Burlington, who, in 1948 had become the Grand Master.

What we do

Our members come from all walks of life and enjoy the fellowship that Masonry brings. We are a group of like minded individuals that have formed a close bond and who welcome new members to join in.

Why join us?

Burlington Lodge has always been considered a very friendly Lodge, attracting members from various backgrounds and professions. These include construction, manufacturing, financial and service sectors, which makes for an interesting mix of personalities and experience. We pride ourselves on our ritual and most importantly, we enjoy our Masonry.
Burlington Lodge Banner

When we meet

4th Mon in Jan, feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sep & Oct 2nd Tue in Dec

Lodge Info



Number Of Meetings:

9 per year

Membership Fee:


Dining Fee:


Contact Us

Social MEdia




Where We Meet

Derby Freemasons’ Hall

457 Burton Rd, Littleover, Derby DE23 6XX