Towards the end of 2017, Jyoti Shah, a Macmillan Consultant Urological Surgeon and founder of the Inspire Health: Fighting Prostate Cancer campaign along with Sarah Minns, Macmillian Cancer Advanced Nurse Practitioner both from Burton Hospitals began a programme of screening
for Derbyshire Freemasons. She was of the view that men tend to avoid this type of screening but by taking it out of the hospital environment and into workplaces, social clubs and other venues where men feel more at ease, men would be much more likely to get checked.Clearly this strategy has worked and the Freemasons of Derbyshire were
pleased to take part. Hopefully other organisations will do the same and persuade men, especially over the age of 50 to take part.
Jyoti and Sarah are so passionate and committed to this project that they give up their time with no pay.
Jyoti said: “For those men who have been tested and diagnosed, the cancer has been caught earlier and effective treatment will save these men’s lives.
Without the test the cancer could carry on growing undetected and the outcomes may not be as positive.
“Events like this create a positive ripple effect. People spread the word about getting tested, which encourages other people to get tested,
and the more people who get tested the sooner we can spot any abnormalities.”
Michael Hitchcock Provincial Grand Charity Steward said “Men are traditionally very poor at looking after themselves and putting their head in the sand when it
comes to health issues, but getting screened could save your life.”
Derbyshire Blood Bikes, a fantastic charity which Derbyshire Freemasons are pleased to support were on hand to rush the samples to Burton hospital.
RW Bro Arthur Steven Varley took part at Ilkeston which brought the number to date to 256 but the work continues.
The photograph shows these two wonderful Ladies ” in the chair ” in the Masonic Lodge during a temporary break in the proceedings with Steven Varley looking after them.